The Weaver Barns Riverside Cabin – 420 Square Feet Of Freedom!
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Looking for a get-away cabin in the woods? Or maybe that week-end home at the lake? Then the Weaver Barns’ Riverside Cabin may be just what you are looking for!
The Riverside Cabin
Discontinued Item. However, we build custom structures, so reach out to our team and see what we can do for you.
Introduced this year at the Great Home and Garden Show in Cleveland, this new model has everything you can want and more in small-house living.
At 420 square feet, our Riverside cabin is pre-built and delivered on site to you. That means saying good-bye to the hassles of construction and weather delays, and hello to an instant weekend retreat or permanent “tiny home”. And just because it sounds small – that doesn’t mean it feels small. With it’s rustic appeal and open concept front porch, this cabin is for wide open living!

With a near endless variety of options, you can create a unique and private space to relax, wind down, and get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You might just be surprised at how much beauty and living space can be packed in under 500 square feet!
Call us today 330.852.2103 to find out more about our new Riverside Cabin. Weaver Barns, because everyone needs a little structure in their life!